The core library that provides VT100 compatible terminal emulator and Java Swing based implementation of terminal panel UI. Or use the binary distribution from the Releases page. To run the standalone JediTerm terminal from sources just execute or jediterm.bat. The name JediTerm origins from J(from Java) + edi(reversed IDE) + Term(obviously from terminal).Īlso the word Jedi itself gives some confidence and hope in the Universe of thousands of different terminal implementations. Since version 2.5 there is a standalone version of the JediTerm terminal, provided as Mac OSX distribution.
The library is used by JetBrains IDEs like P圜harm, IDEA, PhpStorm, WebStorm, AppCode, CLion, and Rider. It supports terminal sessions both for SSH connections and local PTY on Mac OSX, Linux and Windows. The main purpose of the project is to provide a pure Java terminal widget that can be easily embedded